

import Example from ‘../../src/@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/components/example’

This component is part of navigation components such as Ariadne::TabContainerComponent. and Ariadne::TabNavComponent and should not be used by itself.


TabComponent renders the selected anchor tab with aria-current="page" by default. When the selected tab does not correspond to the current page, such as in a nested inner tab, make sure to use aria-current=”true”


Name Type Default Description
id String nil The unique ID of the tab.
selected Boolean false Whether the tab is selected or not.
with_panel Boolean false Whether the Tab has an associated panel.
href String nil The link to navigate to when the tab is clicked.
classes String "" Classes and attributes
attributes Hash {} Classes and attributes



Panel controlled by the Tab. This will not render anything in the tab itself. It will provide a accessor for the Tab’s parent to call and render the panel content in the appropriate place.

Name Type Default Description
classes String N/A Classes and attributes
attributes Hash N/A Classes and attributes


The tab’s text.

Name Type Default Description
kwargs Hash N/A The same arguments as Text.



<%= render( "pub-comment")) do |tab| %>
  <% tab.text { "Public comment" } %>
  <% tab.panel { "Public comment panel" } %>
<% end %>

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