

import Example from ‘../../src/@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/components/example’

Use Button for actions (e.g. in forms). Use links for destinations, or moving from one page to another.


Name Type Default Description
tag Symbol :button One of :a, :button, or :summary.
type Symbol :button One of :button, :reset, or :submit.
scheme Symbol :default One of :danger, :default, :info, :link, :none, :success, or :warning.
size Symbol BaseButton::DEFAULT_SIZE One of :lg, :md, :sm, :xl, or :xs.
dropdown Boolean false Whether or not to render a dropdown caret.
classes String "" Classes and attributes
attributes Hash {} Classes and attributes



Leading visuals appear to the left of the button text.


Name Type Default Description
tag Symbol, String N/A The rendered tag name
classes String N/A Classes and attributes
icon String N/A Name of Heroicon to use.
variant String N/A One of outline, solid, or mini.
attributes Hash N/A Same arguments as HeroiconComponent.


Trailing visuals appear to the right of the button text.


Name Type Default Description
tag Symbol, String N/A The rendered tag name
classes String N/A Classes and attributes
counter Number N/A The starting counter value
attributes Hash N/A Same arguments as CounterComponent.


Tooltip that appears on mouse hover or keyboard focus over the button. Use tooltips sparingly and as a last resort. Important: This tooltip defaults to type: :description. In a few scenarios, type: :label may be more appropriate. Consult the TooltipComponent documentation for more information.

Name Type Default Description
tag Symbol, String N/A The rendered tag name
text String N/A The text content of the tooltip. This should be brief and no longer than a sentence.
direction Symbol N/A One of :bottom, :left, :right, or :top.
classes String N/A Classes and attributes
attributes Hash N/A Same arguments as TooltipComponent.



<%= render( { "Default" } %>
<%= render( :default)) { "Default" } %>
<%= render( :info)) { "Info" } %>
<%= render( :success)) { "Success" } %>
<%= render( :warning)) { "Warning" } %>
<%= render( :danger)) { "Danger" } %>


<%= render( :sm)) { "Small" } %>
<%= render( :md)) { "Medium" } %>

With leading visual

<%= render( do |c| %>
  <% c.icon(icon: :star, variant: HeroiconsHelper::Icon::VARIANT_OUTLINE, classes: "ariadne-text-yellow-600") %>
<% end %>

With trailing visual

<%= render( do |c| %>
  <% c.counter(count: 15) %>
<% end %>

With leading and trailing visuals

<%= render( do |c| %>
  <% c.icon(icon: :star, variant: HeroiconsHelper::Icon::VARIANT_OUTLINE) %>
  <% c.counter(count: 15) %>
<% end %>

With tooltip

Use tooltips sparingly and as a last resort. Consult the TooltipComponent documentation for more information.

<%= render( { id: "button-with-tooltip" })) do |c| %>
  <% c.tooltip(text: "Tooltip text") %>
<% end %>

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