

import Example from ‘../../src/@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/components/example’

Use Blankslate when there is a lack of content within a page or section. Use as placeholder to tell users why something isn’t there.


  • The blankslate uses a semantic heading that must be set at the appropriate level based on the hierarchy of the page.
  • All blankslate visuals have been programmed as decorative images, using aria-hidden=”true” and img alt=””, which will hide the visual from screen reader users.
  • The blankslate supports a primary and secondary action. Both actions have been built as semantic links with primary and secondary styling.
  • secondary_action text should be meaningful out of context and clearly describe the destination. Avoid using vague text like, “Learn more” or “Click here”.


Name Type Default Description
tag Symbol, String :div The rendered tag name
classes String "" Classes and attributes
attributes Hash {} Classes and attributes



Optional visual that renders an HeroiconComponent.

Name Type Default Description
tag Symbol, String N/A The rendered tag name
icon String N/A Name of Heroicon to use.
size Symbol N/A One of :xs (16), :sm (20), :md (24), or :lg (128).
variant String N/A One of outline, solid, or mini.
classes String N/A Classes and attributes
attributes Hash N/A Same arguments as HeroiconComponent.




Optional description.

  • The description should always be informative and actionable.
  • Don’t use phrases like “You can”.
Name Type Default Description
tag Symbol, String N/A The rendered tag name
classes String N/A Classes and attributes
attributes Hash N/A Same arguments as HeroiconComponent.


Optional primary action

The primary_action slot renders an anchor link which is visually styled as a button to provide more emphasis to the Blankslate’s primary action.

Name Type Default Description
href String N/A URL to be used for the primary action.
classes String N/A Classes and attributes
attributes Hash N/A Same arguments as HeroiconComponent.


Optional secondary action

The secondary_action slot renders a normal anchor link, which can be used to redirect the user to additional information (e.g. Help documentation).

Name Type Default Description
href String N/A URL to be used for the secondary action.
classes String N/A Classes and attributes
attributes Hash N/A Same arguments as HeroiconComponent.



<%= render do |c| %>
  <% c.heading(tag: :h2) { "heading" } %>
  <% c.description { "Description"} %>
<% end %>


Add an icon to give additional context. Refer to the Heroicons documentation to choose an icon.

<%= render do |c| %>
  <% c.icon(icon: :"globe-europe-africa") %>
  <% c.heading(tag: :h2) { "heading" } %>
  <% c.description { "Description"} %>
<% end %>

Using an image

Add an image to give context that an Octicon couldn’t.

<%= render do |c| %>
  <% c.image(src: "", alt: "Security - secure vault") %>
  <% c.heading(tag: :h2){ "heading" } %>
<% end %>

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