

import Example from ‘../../src/@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/components/example’

Avatar can be used to represent users.

  • Use the default circle avatar for users, and the square shape for or any other non-human avatars.
  • By default, Avatar will render a static <img>. To have Avatar function as a link, set the href which will wrap the <img> in a <a>.
  • Set size to update the height and width of the Avatar in pixels.
  • To stack multiple avatars together, use AvatarStackComponent.


Images should have text alternatives that describe the information or function represented. If the avatar functions as a link, provide alt text that helps convey the function. For instance, if Avatar is a link to a user profile, the alt attribute should be @kittenuser profile rather than @kittenuser. Learn more about best image practices (WAI Images)


Name Type Default Description
src String N/A The source url of the avatar image.
alt String N/A Passed through to alt on img tag.
size Integer 20 One of 16, 20, 24, 32, 40, 48, or 80.
shape Symbol :circle Shape of the avatar. One of :circle and :square.
href String nil The URL to link to. If used, component will be wrapped by an <a> tag.
classes String "" Classes and attributes
attributes Hash {} Classes and attributes



<%= render( "", alt: "@kittenuser")) %>


<%= render( "", alt: "@kittenuser", shape: :square)) %>
<%= render( "#", src: "", alt: "@kittenuser profile")) %>

With size

<%= render( "", alt: "@kittenuser", size: 16)) %>
<%= render( "", alt: "@kittenuser", size: 20)) %>
<%= render( "", alt: "@kittenuser", size: 24)) %>
<%= render( "", alt: "@kittenuser", size: 32)) %>
<%= render( "", alt: "@kittenuser", size: 40)) %>
<%= render( "", alt: "@kittenuser", size: 48)) %>
<%= render( "", alt: "@kittenuser", size: 80)) %>

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