

import Example from ‘../../src/@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/components/example’ import RequiresJSFlash from ‘../../src/@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/components/requires-js-flash’

Use ClipboardCopyComponent to copy element text content or input values to the clipboard.


Always set an accessible label to help the user interact with the component.


Name Type Default Description
tag Symbol, String :clipboard-copy The rendered tag name
classes String "" Classes and attributes
value String "" Text to copy into the users clipboard when they click the component.
for_id String nil If value is not provided, the element with this id will be copied.
aria_label String "" Text for accessibility. Can also be passed in as part of attributes, but it must be present.
attributes Hash {} Classes and attributes



Tooltip that appears on mouse hover or keyboard focus over the button. Use tooltips sparingly and as a last resort. Important: This tooltip defaults to type: :description. In a few scenarios, type: :label may be more appropriate. Consult the TooltipComponent documentation for more information.

Name Type Default Description
tag Symbol, String N/A The rendered tag name
text String N/A The text content of the tooltip. This should be brief and no longer than a sentence.
direction Symbol N/A One of :bottom, :left, :right, or :top.
classes String N/A Classes and attributes
attributes Hash N/A Same arguments as TooltipComponent.



<%= render( "Text to copy", aria_label: "Copy text to the system clipboard" )) %>

With text instead of icons

<%= render( "Text to copy", aria_label: "Copy text to the system clipboard" )) do %>
  Click to copy!
<% end %>

Copying from an element

<%= render( "blob-path", aria_label: "Copy text to the system clipboard" )) %>
<div id="blob-path">src/index.js</div>

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