
Ariadne ViewComponents

import {HeroLayout} from ‘@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat’ export default HeroLayout

Ariadne ViewComponents is an implementation of the Ariadne Design System, using ViewComponent.

This library is under active pre-1.0 development. Breaking changes are likely in minor and patch releases.


Render Ariadne ViewComponents from templates:

<%= render( 25)) %>


In your Gemfile, add:

gem "ariadne_view_components"

In config/application.rb, add these lines after the application definition:

require "view_component"
require "ariadne/view_components/engine"

Optionally, to add the JavaScript behaviours, in your application.html.erb in the <head> tag add:

<%= javascript_include_tag("ariadne") %>

Or alternatively, you can install the @ariadne/view-components npm package and in your JavaScript code add:

import '@ariadne/view-components'

You can also import only the components you need:

import '@ariadne/view-components/tab_container'

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